The Dragon's Spellbound Alien Read online

Page 5

  “Yes. That does help me. Thank you so much, Bianca.”

  Bianca put her hand on Lilian’s forearm and pushed a tranquil thought into her head. “One last thing… I see a very peaceful future for you. Okay?”

  Lilian nodded. “Thank you. Thank you so much. This was the best psychic reading ever.”

  Bianca smiled serenely and pulled back the velvet curtain to allow Lilian to leave. Her friend Shirley waited at the end of the hallway with a big smile on her face. Together they hurried out the door.

  Bianca let the curtain drop and seated herself. She straightened the tablecloth, centered herself with a few deep breaths and flipped the switch to signal she was ready to receive the next client. Hopefully the next one wouldn’t be so taxing.

  Several hours and a dozen or so clients later, Bianca flipped the switch beneath her table to the off position. She checked the time on her phone. Another five minutes and she was off work.

  Astrid opened her curtain and stepped inside. “You had a busy day.”

  “As always,” Bianca said, fiddling with a hopeless wrinkle in the black velvet tablecloth.

  When she saw what Bianca was wearing, she added, “Wow. You look great.”

  “Thanks.” Bianca stilled. Had Lilian come back and tattled on her about revealing bad news and how she had to rectify it? “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. You have a visitor.”

  “I do?”

  “I believe the old-fashioned human term is gentleman caller.”

  Bianca’s eyes narrowed in confusion. What? Like a cannon blast of memories shooting into her brain, the earlier meeting with Warrick filled her mind with kisses and hugs and more kisses and more hugs. Heat filled her entire face.

  “Is it Warrick?”

  “Yes. Warrick Hart. Tell me, how did you meet this very attractive man?”

  Bianca was grateful that Alphas couldn’t read each other’s minds because she didn’t know how to answer without giving away what she knew regarding Bubba’s surprise gift. While she hated to lie, she’d always adopted the motto, “All’s fair in love and surprise presents.”

  It wasn’t completely false, as timing was everything. “On my way to work I saw this shop called Dragon Kissed Furniture. I was intrigued, so I went inside. Instead of a regular clerk, I met the owner.” Pausing to recall the very first time she saw Warrick, Bianca swallowed hard, and added, “He’s quite charming.” And his kisses are to die for. “So one thing led to another…and he asked me out…and we have a date tonight.”

  She shrugged as if it happened every day of the week. It didn’t. She couldn’t remember how long it had been since she’d been out on a date.

  Astrid nodded as if she didn’t quite believe Bianca had told her the whole story, but smiled. “Well, good for you. I hope you have fun.”

  “Thanks. I believe I will.” Warrick is awesome and perfect and I want to marry him.

  “I’m going to change into something a little more fun for this date. Will you tell him I’ll be right out?”

  “Of course.” Astrid smiled as she exited.

  Bianca slipped out to the back hallway and into the ladies’ room, quickly shucking her work clothes. She put on a clingy, black mini dress with sparkles built into the fabric and rhinestone studded, strappy high heels. A freshening of her make-up and a spritz of her favorite cologne finished her quick change. She didn’t want to keep Warrick waiting too long.

  The object of her love and devotion waited for her in the reception area. He seemed impatient as he paced, prowling back and forth, as if barely keeping his temper reigned in, while waiting for her to appear. The moment he saw her, he stopped in his tracks. A gleaming smile shaped his mouth as he watched her approach with a steady, desire-filled gaze.

  She had barely gotten within arm’s length when he pulled her into his embrace, hugged her tight against his firm body, and buried his face against her neck, breathing in her scent as if he hadn’t been able to get air into his lungs while they’d been apart.

  It was a fanciful notion. She was in that kind of mood. She couldn’t read his mind, but surmised he was happy to see her.

  Astrid smiled at them from across the room, as did the clients waiting for their psychic readings. It was like they were all in on a secret. If the secret was that Bianca and Warrick liked each other, then the cat was out of the bag on that score.

  “You look great and you smell good enough to gobble up in one bite,” Warrick murmured against her cheek.

  An older woman seated right behind her giggled like a child, and Bianca guessed she’d overheard his compliment.

  Bianca put a bit of distance between them. This was her place of work. Although, to be fair, they’d been kissing like there was no tomorrow when they’d been at his place of work.

  Warrick grabbed her hand and laced their fingers. She waved goodbye to Astrid as he led her outside onto the streets of Nocturne Falls.

  Bianca squeezed his fingers. “Do I look okay for our date?”

  He quickly scanned her from head to toe. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you. Where are we going? Or is it a surprise?”

  “Still can’t read my mind, huh?”

  “Well, you refuse to take back the magic spell you put over me.”

  He laughed. “If my mother had known about you before this morning, I wouldn’t put it past her to have put a love spell on us both, but I think you’re safe with me as far as magic spells go.”

  “Well, where I’m from,” she paused a moment to stare into his eyes meaningfully, “legend has it that true love is blind or maybe it’s deaf to all psychic thoughts. You know, something kind of like that.”

  “Legend, huh?”

  “Yes. It’s a very important legend.”

  “Noted.” He led her to a large vehicle parked on the street. She didn’t know cars, but it was huge, black and could probably house a small family of four.

  “Big vehicle.”

  “I like lots of legroom.”

  Bianca looked up at him. He was very tall, well over six feet, since he topped her by two or three inches. She was tall for a human female, but average for an Alpha female.

  He opened the passenger front door for her. She climbed inside. The leather interior smelled delicious, slightly smoky, like Warrick.

  Once he slid behind the wheel, she asked, “Where are you taking me?”

  “I thought we’d get dinner at a place called Café Claude. Ever been there?”

  “Nope. I’m new in town.”

  “It’s a nice, quiet little place. Very romantic.”


  “After dinner, I thought we’d go get a drink at a private club called Insomnia. Supes only.”

  “Am I considered a Supe?”

  “Word on the street is that you’re psychic.” He shrugged and grinned. “I mean, I can’t personally prove it one way or another, but either way, I’m fairly certain you won’t rat us all out to the human population here in Nocturne Falls.”

  “No, I would never tattle about that.”

  After a lovely dinner at Café Claude in the dark chandelier-lit intimate space with soft violin music playing in the background, Bianca relaxed and enjoyed the meal. She didn’t know what was playing, but it was nice. There were other people in the restaurant, but she barely noticed once they sat down. They started out talking about living in Nocturne Falls and the joys of it, but by the end of dinner she only remembered that they laughed a lot, not all the specifics of their discussion.

  Bianca also knew she had a lovely meal and it tasted good, but truthfully, she didn’t remember what she ate, so focused on her man. He was the only thing she truly remembered about Café Claude as they exited the restaurant.

  Afterward they got back in his huge vehicle and drove to Insomnia, the Supes club. And she was one of them. No humans to worry about. It was all very exciting.

  The area looked much like industry had abandoned it long ago. The painting on the side o
f the large brick building read Caldwell Manufacturing. Warrick held the door for her and smiled in reassurance as he led her through the lower level of the building strewn with old, dusty manufacturing equipment. It did not look like any kind of bar. It was rather spooky. Bianca was a bit nervous, but continued gamely on, Warrick a strong presence at her side. They came to a large freight elevator, where a large muscular doorman waited.

  “Hello. I’m Warrick Hart. My brother Viktor was supposed to leave word of my arrival with a plus one.”

  The man looked Bianca over once and didn’t smile, but nodded. “Yes sir. Welcome to Insomnia.” He stepped aside and allowed them to enter the elevator. Once inside they began a slow descent.

  She held tight to Warrick’s hand as the door opened. A rush of sound, color and music made her jaw drop. It was amazing. The industrial style of the building’s main level was echoed in the subterranean club, but the sophisticated décor featured lots of neon blue with leather seating and smoke machines. It was very fancy.

  Bianca wasn’t convinced she’d be allowed to stay—she had no idea if a psychic alien would be considered supernatural—but she hoped so. They left the elevator and walked into the club. No one stopped them.

  “My brother was supposed to leave word that the two of us are allowed in. Let’s hope he didn’t forget.”

  “Because they worry I’d tattle?”

  “No. Because it’s an exclusive members-only club for supernaturals and their non-human guests. We aren’t allowed in unless invited by a member. You look very human.”

  She didn’t comment on her human look. Instead, she asked, “Your brother is a vampire?”

  “Half-vampire. Just like I’m half-dragon shifter.”

  “You’re half-dragon shifter?” The only thing that scared her more than the thought of a vampire sucking her blood was being fire bombed by a fire-breathing dragon. “Like, breathing fire and everything?”

  His brows narrowed. “Yep. Did you not know that?”

  She shook her head. “No. I didn’t.” She should be frightened out of her wits. The second scariest creature in her imagination was taking her to a bar filled with the scariest creatures she only recently knew existed. The whole Dragon Kissed Furniture business made more sense now.

  He paused. “Want to go somewhere else?”

  Bianca didn’t hesitate. “No. I should face my fears. Let’s sit down. I suspect that you won’t let anything happen to me.”

  Warrick leaned close and whispered, “Define anything.”

  Bianca grinned. “Well, you won’t let anyone suck my tasty alien blood and you won’t smoke me where I stand with a single breath. Pretty much anything else is open for negotiation, I guess.” She trusted Warrick. He was intoxicating to every single one of her senses. She’d never in her life felt so attracted to a man. Alien, human or otherwise.

  Apparently, this particular dragon shifter was her jam.

  Chapter Seven


  Warrick laughed when she mentioned her tasty alien blood. Viktor had mentioned doing a favor for Hank last year involving a visiting alien from Arkansas and getting rid of some evidence at a hospital.

  Viktor had let it slip that he thought alien blood was very tasty. He didn’t need as much blood as folklore, movies and television imagined. He could eat meat and drink many different alcoholic beverages to sustain him for a limited time, but eventually he needed blood, too. Just like all of the other vampires in Nocturne Falls.

  Warrick searched the lively place for his brother, but didn’t see him anywhere. They found an empty circular booth near the dance floor and slid inside as a waitress approached to take their drink order.

  Bianca stared at the waitress for several seconds before ordering vodka on the rocks with lime. She slid so close to Warrick her leg mashed into his. He liked that. She also slung an arm around his neck, pulled him close and kissed his mouth. Warrick wasn’t opposed to public displays of affection, but he was surprised.

  The waitress turned toward the bar, looking rather put out.

  “What was that all about?”

  Bianca kissed him again. “Just ensuring everyone here knows you’re out with me tonight.”

  “Is there some doubt about that?” Warrick settled his arm comfortably around her and kissed her again. “I mean, we did come in together holding hands.”

  She shrugged and turned her attention to the folks on the dance floor. Warrick indulged in an awestruck moment at the thought that Bianca would be jealous over him.

  In high school, Viktor had told him lots of girls wanted to date him, but Warrick found out the hard way they only wanted to go out with him because they thought it was cool to straddle a dragon’s back and fly around the night sky. They didn’t care to get to know him beyond that. He made the mistake twice before he learned his lesson.

  Warrick didn’t want to be anyone’s theme park ride. He wanted to find a girl who loved him for his interests, not what he could do for them and their popularity. Or worse, to be an interesting ride to school.

  Since his awkward teen years, he’d dated a bit here and there, but as soon as the female in question discovered his species, she would get a glow in her eyes and the next thing that popped out of her mouth was some form of, “Ooh, I’d love to ride your back as we fly through the night sky. Maybe you could fly me to work and school.” Consequently, he spent a lot of time alone and didn’t seek out very many dates.

  Until Bianca. He was glad he’d waited for someone who wasn’t looking to hook up with a dragon shifter for amusement park ride thrills. She hadn’t even known what he was until they got here.

  When the waitress returned, she set Bianca’s drink down on a square napkin. She held Warrick’s drink out, so that he had to grab it from her. Their fingers touched and she gave him a saucy look, licking her red-coated lips slowly. He ignored her and placed his drink on the table himself. Maybe his date was right to be jealous of this waitress.

  Bianca glared at the other woman. “Yes. He is out with a skinny witch like me, only I’m a psychic, not a witch. And regardless of how limber you think you are, he’s mine for tonight. Got it?”

  The woman’s eyes widened and then narrowed. With a nod, she walked off.

  “Marking your territory?”

  “Yes. But I was smart enough to get my drink first.” She took a sip and grinned at him over the rim of the glass.

  “Maybe I should say something. I don’t come here often, but my understanding is that Insomnia should have a better class of waitress.”

  Bianca shook her head. “Don’t bother. She’s new here and at this rate she won’t last long. Let it drop.”

  Warrick had never been fought over before, at least to his knowledge. He liked it. Or maybe he just liked Bianca, regardless of what she was doing or saying. Over dinner they’d discussed living in Nocturne Falls and various innocuous things, but mostly they just stared at each other. He’d loved every moment, but figured he should find out more.

  “Tell me all about you,” he said. “I want to know everything.”

  Bianca leaned close and told him about her life in Alienn, Arkansas with her family, about her two younger sisters who were about to get married and how she’d come to Nocturne Falls for an opportunity to see and be able to live in another part of the county.

  She told him about her fascination with weapons of all kinds, martial arts and fighting, an interest he also shared. She really was perfect for him.

  Warrick told her about growing up overseas, even stories he hadn’t intended to share about being only half-dragon shifter and half-human. He told her about his brother and mother and how he loved living in Nocturne Falls.

  As if conjured by the sound of his own name, Viktor slid into their booth next to Bianca. He flashed her a charming smile.

  “Hello there. I’m Viktor. My brother didn’t tell me he was going out with someone so gorgeous. How’s the date going? If it’s going poorly, I’d like the opportunity to off
er my services as your future escort.”

  Bianca laughed. “That’s so sweet of you.”

  “Yeah, that’s Viktor, full of sweetness and light,” Warrick said, sarcasm dripping from his tone. “Viktor, meet Bianca.”

  “Hello, Viktor. I can only speak for myself, but I believe the date is going very well.” She turned to Warrick. “What do you think?”

  He looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said quietly the single sentence circulating in his head. “I think I want to marry you.” Good grief. Did I just say that out loud?

  Viktor slammed his hand on the table, jerking Warrick from his musings. “What did you just say, Bro?”

  Not wanting to back down, he repeated, “She asked what I thought about our date. I told her. Also, haven’t you ever heard that three’s a crowd?”

  Viktor grinned. “No. I’ve never heard that. Is it something new?”

  “Yes, you have,” Bianca said, adding to Warrick, “Your brother is very happy for you. He thinks you don’t get out enough. But he also thinks a marriage proposal on the first date is over the top and very unlike you.”

  “Does he really? Are you telling me you can read his mind?”

  She nodded. “Easy.”

  Viktor’s eyes widened. “Wait. She’s really a psychic? I thought that was just a gimmick for your business. Bubba’s Psychic Readings, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “How can you read me so easy?” he asked.

  Bianca shrugged. “There are different levels of skill among aliens regarding mind reading. I have a better than average ability. But some folks are just easier than others to read, I’m not completely certain why.”

  Viktor was suddenly very animated. “Okay, what am I thinking now?”

  “Um.” She squinted, staring hard at him. “You’re thinking the same four words over and over. Rubber baby buggy bumpers. Rubber baby buggy bumpers.”

  His brother laughed in delight. “Excellent. That’s correct. Do thoughts just come inside your head as people pass by, or do you have to go looking for them?”